Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just Do It

Just Do It. Advertising Age called it one of the five best slogans of the 20th century. But what does it mean? Nike will more than likely tell you "blah, blah, blah buy our shit, blah, blah, blah" I think we can get far more out of it than merchandise. All my life I've had issues with starting and finishing projects. "Projects" meaning goals, relationships, music production, work and causes that I believe in. I tend to get caught up over-thinking my project or hemming and hawing over minuscule details. Either I don't get started or I have a very strong, exuberant start and steeply decline afterwards.

Nike would tell me to "Just Do It" What they're really saying is, "Shut the Fuck Up, and Just Do It."

It is the fear of making mistakes or not succeeding 100% that tends to keep one back from putting forth true effort. If you think about it, doing something 75% is far better than 0%.

Whenever you're having doubts, remember:
Just Do It.

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